27th CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF NEUROSONOLOGY AND CEREBRAL HEMODYNAMICS ALMERÍA 2-4 OCTOBER 2024 EXHIBITION/SPONSORS STANDS SPONSORS RESERVATION STANDS No data to display. Map SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES PLATINUM SPONSOR 01 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Stand 110000 €NO AVAILABLE Stand 210000 €NO AVAILABLE Stand 1110000 €NO AVAILABLE Stand 1210000 €NO AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : A large Exhibit Booth space (10-15m2) + 2 passes for staff. /Twenty five (25) registrations to the meeting to be distributed by the company. / Preference in choosing location of the Exhibit booth. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors’ logo will be included in the final program as Platinum sponso GOLD SPONSOR 02 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Stand 35000 €AVAILABLE Stand 45000 €AVAILABLE Stand 55000 €AVAILABLE Stand 65000 €AVAILABLE Stand 75000 €AVAILABLE Stand 85000 €NO AVAILABLE Stand 95000 €AVAILABLE Stand 105000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : An Exhibit Booth space (6-8 m2) + 2 passes for staff. / Twelve (12) registrations to the meeting to be distributed by the company. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors’ logo will be included in the final program as Gold sponsor. SILVER SPONSOR 03 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Silver Sponsor2000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Roll-up in the Exhibit Area. / Five (5) registrations to the meeting to be distributed by the company. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors’ logo will be included in the final program as Silver sponsor. SYMPOSIUM IN THE MAIN AUDITIOTRIUM 04 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Symposium in the main auditiotrium15000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : A symposium of 30 minutes to 1 hour in the main auditorium, without parallel activities in scientific program. / Twenty five (25) registrations to the meeting to be distributed by the company. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program as a Platinum sponsor. COFFEE BREAK SYMPOSIUM (in the Exhibit Area) 05 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Coffee break Wednesday AM5000 €AVAILABLE Coffee break Wednesday PM5000 €AVAILABLE Coffee break Thursday AM5000 €AVAILABLE Coffee break Thursday PM5000 €AVAILABLE Coffee break Friday AM5000 €AVAILABLE Coffee break Friday PM5000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Twelve (12) registrations to the meeting to be distributed by the company. / Specification in the main scientific program. / Announcement of the symposium in the preceding session in the main auditorium. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum or Gold sponsor will be made according to the overall sponsorship). REGISTRATION PACKs 06 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Pack of 406000 €AVAILABLE Pack of 305000 €AVAILABLE Pack of 203500 €AVAILABLE Pack of 102000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Pack of 10, 20, 30 or 40 registrations at a reduced fee to be distributed by the company (2.000€, 3.500€, 5.000€ or 6.000€ respectively). / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold, Silver or “other sponsor” will be made according to the overall sponsorship). FACULTY DINNER 07 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Faculty dinner (TBD)0 €NO AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Roll-up in the restaurant. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold, Silver or “other sponsor” will be made according to the overall sponsorship). LOGO PROJECTION 08 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Logo projection1000 €NO AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also printed in the final program. BADGE LANYARDS 09 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Badge lanyards4000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Badge lanyards provided by the Company and personalized with the company’s logo (500 pieces). / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold or Silver sponsor will be made according to the overall sponsorship). CONFERENCE KITS 010 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Conference kits5000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Conference bags with notepad and pen provided by the Company and personalized with the company’s logo (500 pieces). / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also printed in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold or Silver sponsor will be made according to the overall sponsorship). INVITATION OF LECTURERS 011 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Invitation of lecturers (TBD)0 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Direct contact with the sponsored lecturer. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold, Silver or “other sponsor” will be made according to the overall sponsorship). PROMOTIONAL VIDEO 012 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Promotional video1500 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : A short promotional video (1 min / 1.50 min ) to be displayed during the breaks. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum, Gold, Silver or “other sponsor” will be made according to the overall sponsorship). CONGRESS APP 013 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIESAMOUNTAvailable Congress app5000 €AVAILABLE IT INCLUDES : Congress Application to be shared with all participants with the information of the congress with the sponsor company logo. / Projection of the Company logo in the Conference Hall at the beginning and end of the scientific sessions. / Logo and link on the conference website. / Acknowledgements: the sponsors logo will be also included in the final program (definition as Platinum or Gold will be made according to the overall sponsorship). BOOKING FORM El proceso de reserva ha finalizado.